Unleash the power of ingredient-free patches for a harmonious body balance

Harness the power of TECHNOLOGY!

  • "The time is now. Stop hitting the snooze button on your life."

    — Mel Robbins

  • Why pick Super Patch for your health goals?

    Imagine waking up every day feeling energized and ready to tackle anything. They’re affordable, work fast, and solve problems for anyone, regardless of age, medical history, or medications—no lifestyle changes needed. There is nothing else like them on the market, and never will be. Live with more energy, strength, and joy.

  • Why work with Sammi in this business model?

    In 2013 she went from RN to six-figure earner in 15 months at her first company. Over those 11 years, she earned multiple cars and trips, and spoke on stage at numerous corporate events. Her expertise in emotional intelligence, combined with her certification as a life coach, positions her uniquely to guide and inspire others in the health and wellness sector.

  • Master Your Longevity: Control the Key Components

    When it comes to longevity, the key components are genetics, environment, and lifestyle. While we can't control our genetics or environment, our lifestyle is in our hands. Enter Super Patch! Our patches help you manage sleep, stress, weight, and balance, empowering you to take charge of your health and boost your longevity.

Fix your balance in 30 seconds

Did you know that your balance is directly linked to your longevity? Think about it! Everything we do relies on our ability to stay balanced, and it becomes more important as we age.

See how quickly the Liberty patch starts working in this short video. It makes a massive IMPACT in a very short amount of time, and also amplifies the effects of the other patches you use with it!

Get in Touch

Ready to take your health or income to the next level?

Fill out the information below and let's start your journey to optimal wellness, or a new business.

We are here to guide you every step of the way!